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Modified Bitumen Systems

Self-Adhering Roofing

A self-adhering roofing system is composed of a nailable base or self-adhering ply base with a top surface designed to accept a self-adhering roofing membrane, a self-adhering mid ply and a self-adhering cap sheet. Self-adhering products are manufactured with premium quality materials, and the roof system specifications have been engineered to offer excellent longevity and performance.

What are the advantages of self-adhering roofing systems?

Self-adhering roofing systems offer several advantages for contractors: No torches, no hot asphalt, no fumes and no mess — all of which means application is much cleaner and faster. Self-adhering roofs are also environmentally friendly, because there are no volatile organic compounds in the material. Other advantages of self-adhering roofing systems are the ease of application, minimal equipment requirements and a cleaner work environment. These advantages are even more amazing considering the long system life you can expect.

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